Given Zoom is being used for our virtual sessions there are certain realities we want to make sure you are aware of so that we don’t leave you with false expectations:
When attending a Zoom meeting or coaching session, it’s important to treat it just like you would an in person meeting or event.
1. Set up in a quiet location.
2. Be on the call/ no distractions: no checking email, no taking phone calls, etc.
3. Dress appropriately.
4. Be on camera (if using a cell phone have it set up and stable, no walking around)
5. Be on mute when you are not sharing (group meetings).
6. Turn off your camera if you have to step out and turn it back on when you return.
7. No eating while on the call.
8. Stay on for the entirety of the meeting.
9. Be on time. We strongly recommend that you join the meeting 15 minutes prior to the start of the session, so you have time to resolve any technical problems you might have before the start of the call.