SmartPlan Blog

5 Ways to Avoid Wasting Money

5 ways to avoid wasting money

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you wish you had more financial freedom?

The good news is, you can achieve it with these 5 tips to avoid wasting money. According to a survey by Bankrate, 21% of Americans waste money on things they don't need. Instead, make a budget and stick to it. Invest in quality items that will last longer rather than buying cheap items that need to be replaced frequently. Avoid impulse purchases and compare prices before making a purchase. Have you discovered Google Lens? You can take a photo of any item and Google will show you all the places you can purchase the item. Lastly, use coupons and discount codes to save even more money.

A friend of mine used to waste money on eating out and buying expensive clothes. One day, she decided to make a change and started budgeting, investing in quality items and using coupons. Over time, she was able to save up enough money to start her own business and quit her day job. She now lives her dream of being her own boss and has financial freedom.

The benefits of saving more are endless. You can take that dream vacation, pay off debt, invest more, or even buy a home faster.

With Currence, we can help you create a spending and savings plan. The proprietary private-labeled account, called the Reservoir, helps you disconnect consumption from income, allowing both income and consumption to take independent paths in the future. The excess dollars will automatically be captured by the Reservoir and easily deployed to additional capital assets that create additional cash flow momentum.

Don't let unconscious consumption hold you back from achieving your financial goals. Start saving today and reach new heights of financial freedom.

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  1525 Hits

A New Year and Endless Possibilities. What are You Creating?


Author: Jennifer Foster Investor Coach with SmartPlan Investing

With the beginning of a New Year upon us, many of us are dreaming of the endless possibilities a fresh start can bring. There seems to be so much optimism in the air this time of year, yet it seems to fade out so quickly. How many of us resolved to lose weight or to get fit just about every new year? We might start out strong, but within days or weeks we give up. Despite our best intentions our efforts don't last. Why is that? According to recent research by Static Brain Research Institute 45% of Americans say they usually make New Year's resolutions, but only 8% report successfully achieving their goals. How can we keep the optimism alive and achieve our resolutions and goals in 2022?

Do you want in on the secret I learned and have been applying in my own life? Let's explore how to create resolutions we can fulfill in 2022.

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  1878 Hits

Utilizing 3 Categories to Manage Your Life

So much to do, so little time There's no denying you juggle a lot on the day to day. Since the pandemic this may have increased, especially if you are a parent. A year later and things still have not gone completely back normal, but not everything is bad. Regardless things might seem overwhelming at times, you may think to yourself "how will I get ...

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  2968 Hits

Exploring a Destructive Investing Myth

  3006 Hits

An Uncommon Solution to Fuel Your Resolutions and Goals

Welcome to Uncommon Sense, a podcast fostering real conversations about money. This podcast is designed specifically for eager investors who want to get real about money investing and winning at their dreams. I am Jennifer Foster, your host, a former administrative assistant turned American Dream Leader and Investing Strategy Coach. With over 17 ye...

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  3286 Hits

Fostering Real Conversations About Money

Join us as we launch our podcast Uncommon Cents. A brand-new podcast fostering real conversations about money. This podcast is designed specifically for eager investors who want to get real about money, investing, and winning at their dreams. Jennifer Foster, is the host, a former administrative assistant turned American Dream leader and Inves...

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  3486 Hits

Three things to do if the markets have you spooked

Do the markets have you spooked? Jennifer Foster, Investor Coach at SmartPlan Investing says, "There are more than just ghosts and goblins that are spooking investors this October." While no one can predict market ups and downs with 100% accuracy, October has historically seen more volatility than other months, this is known as the October Effect. ...

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  3831 Hits

Purpose for Money – Episode 106 EOS system & Exit Business Planning

Episode 106 – Purpose for Money Subject – EOS – Entrepreneur Operating System and Exit Business Planning In this episode Lynda Martin – EOS coach and I discuss the relationship between EOS system and Exit Business Planning. Lynda defines how the EOS system helps the business owner(s) gain focus and clarity around their business. We discuss how the ...

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  3996 Hits

How does coaching make a difference? One great example.

How can coaching make a difference? I'm going to give you a great example of two people, that had similar conditions. One had a coach and the other did not. The two people that we are comparing and contrasting are Florence Chadwick and Michael Phelps. Florence Chadwick is the first women to swim the English Channel, both back and forth. Michael Phe...

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  3793 Hits

Purpose for Money – Episode 105 Is the American Dream dead?

Episode 105 – Purpose for Money Subject – Is the American Dream dead? In this episode Jim Hogan and I dissect the question, "Is the American Dream dead?" In today's world, 56% of all venture capital is done here in the United States. 2015 was the highest year for amount of start ups. So, is the American Dream just being redefined? Is it no longer t...

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  3809 Hits

Did you know? 1776, the iconic movie and the birth of the American Dream.

When we talk about the American Dream, there is a dialogue exchange between Dr. Benjamin Franklin and John Dickinson, from the iconic movie 1776, that describes the birth of the American Dream. Hi, I'm Robroy Wiley, Investor Coach. I help my clients recognize those behaviors, mainly money demons, that can derail them from achieving their financial ...

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  4026 Hits

How does coaching make a difference? One great example.

Each post in July, has been talking about the American Dream. I wanted to end the month with a thought provoking, short post from Seth Godin. He discusses the cost of independence. As an investor coach, I see how our money demons can have a habit of derailing us. Because with wealth comes responsibility and freedom to make choices. Whether it is be...

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  2067 Hits

Did you know? 1776, the iconic movie and the birth of the American Dream.

A challenge can be disarming the behavior that can derail us from our investing goals. Robroy Wiley, Investor Coach at SmartPlan Investing, shares a short story about Michael Phelps and what happened at the Olympic games. Short story referenced from " The Power of Habit – Why we do what we do in life and business." – Char...

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  2029 Hits

Purpose for Money – Episode 105 Is the American Dream dead?

"How do you defeat those money demons? " – asks Robroy Wiley, Investor Coach. It's one of the most popular sessions in the Mind Over Money Group Workshop. The Mind over Money Group workshop dives deep, helps you gain clarity and focus around financial goals and money. It sheds light on those mindsets and behaviors that have been adopted since child...

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  2100 Hits

An Uncommon Solution to Fuel Your Resolutions and Goals

"How do you defeat those money demons? " – asks Robroy Wiley, Investor Coach. It's one of the most popular sessions in the Mind Over Money Group Workshop. The Mind over Money Group workshop dives deep, helps you gain clarity and focus around financial goals and money. It sheds light on those mindsets and behaviors that have been adopted since child...

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  2026 Hits

Is Corporate Responsibility for you? 3 factors to consider…

He became the cautionary tale to the rest of the family. His father's money demon was succumbing to impulsive behavior. Hi I'm Robroy Wiley, Investor Coach. One of the challenges is helping my clients recognize the behaviors that can derail them from achieving their financial goals and dreams and learning how to disarm them. His father did not want...

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  2096 Hits

How can a financial business plan impact your bottomline? 3 scenarios.

Did you know, Florence Chadwick and the challenge she faced? She had accomplished swimming the English Channel both ways and was the first women to do so. It would be her swim in the Pacific Ocean that a lesson can be learned from. Hi I'm Robroy Wiley, Investor Coach. A main challenge is helping my clients recognize those behaviors that can derail ...

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  2356 Hits

Three things to do if the markets have you spooked

Episode 102 – Purpose of Money Subject – Philanthropic Goals and True Purpose In this episode Sarah Siedentopf, estate planner and probate attorney, and I discuss philanthropic goals, setting up a foundation and purpose. Sarah's office is located in Brookhaven/Buckhead area of Atlanta. Sarah specializes in making estate planning and probate as easy...

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  2002 Hits

Fostering Real Conversations About Money

Episode 103 – Purpose for Money Subject – Emotional Intelligence & Blindspots In this episode Jim Hogan and I discuss how to go through the barrier of self perception, self regard, and blindspots. There are three real life examples that we share: Highlights Count & Countess – that were upset with the media and their reaction.Car Rental stor...

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  2011 Hits

Purpose for Money – Episode 106 EOS system & Exit Business Planning

Enter your text here ... Episode 104 – Purpose for Money Subject – Money & Happiness In this episode Chris Butsch, author of 'The Millennial's Guide to Making Happiness', and I discuss the phrase 'Money can't buy happiness'. Chris has his own twist on the phrase. He has traveled around the Unites States and internationally to interview people o...

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  2018 Hits

Manifesto for Future Generations

One of the largest wealth transfers in the history of the world will be from the baby boomers to the millennials. Statistically 40% of all millennials are entrepreneurs. So, what is the most valuable asset that the baby boomers can pass on to the millennials? Your story. You need to share your story of how you built your business and your wealth. T...

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  3549 Hits

Three things to do if the markets have you spooked

Purpose for Money – Episode 101 Mental Toughness & True Purpose Episode 101 – Purpose of Money Subject – Mental Toughness and True Purpose In this episode Jim Hogan and I explore the relationship between mental toughness and true purpose. Jim Hogan is a speaker and coach, who specializes in mental toughness and emotional intelligence. Highlight...

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  2082 Hits

Traits for Success: What question started it all?

THE QUESTION THAT STARTED IT ALL Is a family's success by default or by design? It's a simple answer. Success is by design. How does an entrepreneur, business owner, or a family design success? What traits, habits, and characteristics result in sustainable prosperity for current and future generations?  We have to go deeper and explore. There ...

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  3420 Hits

“Nothing Left Unsaid” – Vanderbilt and Cooper connection.

What about Gloria Vanderbilt's multi-millions? Anderson Cooper has publicly made it known that he will not inherit any of his mother's estate and that he never expected to. Anderson explains that from a young age, he was told that once he turned eighteen that was it. Anderson Cooper and his mother did do one thing that is more valuable than the wea...

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  3541 Hits

Why reverse engineer PT Barnum’s success!

PT Barnum wrote and published his autobiography and updated the book three times. Each time a new edition was published it became a best seller. While many people cringed at his marketing methods and borderline con man ways, what made PT Barnum's biography different from others in his lifetime, was his unapologetic attitude towards making money. In...

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  3551 Hits

Update! What’s been going on with StoryWill

This has been the best week in the history of StoryWill so far. As a fellow entrepreneur and for my family's next generation. The week of May 23 – 27 was the best week ever in the four month's of StoryWill. " A still shot from the shoot." On Tuesday May 24 we shot a completely brand new video for the site. Yes, I got a professional videographer who...

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  3354 Hits

#1 Making your vision concrete – getting the idea out of your head

Making your vision concrete – documentary This documentary is a product idea for those who work for themselves, entrepreneurs, and those who run a small business. It is intended to illuminate what it takes to bring an idea to market. To illustrate the process, we will showcase the development of a product called StoryWill. Robroy Wiley, creator, ad...

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  3480 Hits

Vision Board for StoryWill – product/service

 American Dream – these words embody the heart of StoryWill. A family sharing with their next generation the story of how they pursued the american dream. Image of Skyline of New York City & Statue of Liberty – represents the many possibilities to build your dream and the freedom to move up in society. Image of the man in the double breast...

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  3708 Hits

How can a financial business plan impact your bottomline? 3 scenarios.

"I think I may not be charging enough. Should I raise prices?" "I think I'm doing better than my competitors. How do I find out?" "I need to expand. Is now the right time to buy more equipment?" Robroy Wiley, advisor and financial communicator at SmartPlan financial services. A business owner can find themselves in any of these three scenarios. The...

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  3722 Hits

Is Corporate Responsibility for you? 3 factors to consider…

Is your business plan structured to incorporate corporate responsibility? As a business owner has it been on your mind to build a corporate social initiative? How do you build a hybrid model, or create a corporate responsibility initiative within a for-profit model? What factors do need to be considered? Whether you are an established business or a...

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  3732 Hits

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